Puerto Rico: Pan de Mallorca

Flag of Puerto RicoA quintessential Puerto Rican pastry, Pan de Mallorca is rich, eggy and sweet, not unlike a brioche. It is typically served as a breakfast or snack, and comes with a dusting of powdered sugar. The snack has almost iconic status in Puerto Rico – but can you make Mallorca at home that rivals bakeries like San Juan’s Bombonera? A visitor to the site recently asked if we knew of any recipes so we decide to rustle a few up. Meseidy at the Noshery has a good recipe, with lovely pictures to go along with the instructions. RecipeLink has an entire thread dedicated to people in search of a recipe like the Bombonera’s. While we ourselves have never tried making Mallorca by hand – it seems like a worthy future challenge. Do you have any Mallorca tips or recipes?

Pan de Mallorca by Dazed Effect


Filed under Recipes

6 responses to “Puerto Rico: Pan de Mallorca

  1. Maureen

    Great Post. I’m a Pan de Mallorca junkie. I’ve had luck with the recipe from Serious Eats: http://www.seriouseats.com/2009/01/sunday-brunch-pan-de-mallorca.html

  2. krissy

    La bonbonera is great. Their Mallorcas are the best.

  3. I haven’t found eny recipe yet that taste the same as the Mallorcas from PR! I have try 8 of them, and NONE have been good as i remember from PR

  4. Pingback: Nutellorcas: They will rock your world. | the teal magnolia

  5. Joshua

    You are missing the spices ; ). It’s a well kept secret…

  6. Pingback: La Isla Del Encanto: Spotlight on San Juan | Yapping with Yomi

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